Sunday 4 December 2011

My sOuL.. (^____________^)

By the time that they get to be teenagers, many kids begin to get fed up with their families. They say that their parents are too restrictive or over-protective, or that they are completely out of touch with how the real world works. But, in most cases, our parents have "been there and done that", and all they are really trying to do is to help us avoid some of the mistakes and pain that they went through when they were growing up themselves (things don't change as much as you think, you know!).
My own family has been really great throughout my illness. They have stayed right by my side day and night, even when I was feeling so bad that I yelled at almost everybody. They have driven back and forth to the hospital hundreds of times, gone out in the middle of the night to satisfy my strange food urges, and even learned how to give me needles (even though just the thought of needles used to give my Mom the willies!). But most of all they have encouraged me to continue day by day, and they have loved me unconditionally ... even on those days when I looked like a melon with a bit of fuzz on top!
I have come to realize that a family is something you can count on to be there, long after many of your friends have gone their own ways.

This iS mY SoUL


Introducing my mOm.. She's my very best friend.
Meet my dad..He makes me laugh with his silly jokes.
Here is my brother.. Hazmin. He is musician.
My eldest brother..Khasrool.
My lovely meOww...

its name is UTEH...

this is MEY MEY..!!


this is gemoK..

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